Hose Fittings Ferrule Type
- Female Hose Couplings / Special Types + Accessories
- Male Hose Couplings / Assembly of Ferrule Type Hose Fittings
- Anti Kinking Sleeves, Colour Sleeves
SPANNFIX and SPANNLOC Hose Fittings with Thread
- Female Hose Couplings with SPANNFIX / Assembly of SPANNFIX
- Male Hose Couplings with SPANNFIX / Special Types of Hose Tails
- Female Hose Couplings with SPANNLOC / Special Types + Spare Seals
- Male Hose Couplings with SPANNLOC / Assembly of SPANNLOC
- Special Hose Couplings
- Steel Hose Couplings / Chart: Commonly used Thread Measurements
Steam Hose Fittings with Bolted Clamps of Hot Stamped Brass
SPANNFIX and SPANNLOC Hose Couplings
- TW Hose Couplings with SPANNFIX / Accessories + Spare Parts
- TW Hose Couplings with SPANNLOC / Assembling Tools
- TW Hose Couplings Stainless Steel with SPANNFIX
- TW Hose Couplings Stainless Steel with SPANNLOC / Special Types
- Cam Couplings American System / Special Types
- Symmetrical Hose Couplings “STORZ”, “GUILLEMIN”, “RNK”
SPANNFIX and SPANNLOC Flanged Hose Fittings
- Flanged Hose Fittings with SPANNLOC / SPANNLOC Assembly
- Flanged Hose Fittings with SPANNLOC / Special Types + Spare Gaskets
- Flanged Hose Fittings with SPANNFIX, Spannfix+Spannloc “TW”-Flanges
- Stainless Steel Hose Fittings / Special Types
- Flanged Steam Hose Fittings / Conversion Chart Pressure/Temperature